Wednesday, May 02, 2007

mega monsters

What do you think of these amazing creatures? In our house we are divided; some people are afraid they are going to jump out and attack us, others prefer to see them as fantastic performers who can do flick flacks in the water while eating!!James has grown them from tiny eggs smaller than a pin head into these 2 cm long beauties. Called triops they are really little dinosaurs dating back to prehistoric times. We look forward to the fight to the death, which is inevitable according to the instructions. As yet they have no names but we are open to suggestions. I do have to confess this our 3 rd attempt at growing triops the first time i killed them by using the wrong water. Second time they just didnt hatch. To be recommended for those of you who aren`t great fans of pets, they are not smelly, dont wee/poo all over the place and don`t eat too much.

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