Friday, August 10, 2018

Loire wines -

Domaine De la Bergerie is perhaps my favourite vineyard in all the world so far!
A wine family for 7 generations and this vineyard owned since 1964 it is nestled on slopes just past the sleepy village of Champ sur Layon and is beautifully laid out with the vines surrounding the tasting room.  It is the range, quality and reasonable price of the wines that is so staggering.  Yves Guegniard  makes at least 3 fabulous reds, a Rose,  a range of whites from dry to dessert wine & a really good Loire fizz.
The Cabernet franc dominated  La Cerisiae  with its intense blackcurrant and licorice flavours (about £5) is  a high quality Loire red for the price.   However then we get two unusual ones - Chant du Bois which is a lovely age worthy but still approachable, complex, stark Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc then finally the amazing  Evanescence  which requires some lengthy time in the cellar to soften the tannins but then will leave you with a wonderful complex minty blackcurrant 100% cab sauvignon not from Bordeaux but from the Loire!

 I would suggest that you ring ahead and book lunch at the fabulous restaurant on site with its vineyard views, which is run by M. Guegniard`s son in law. La Table Bergerie

We have eaten there 3 times. The cooking is delicate and well seasoned with fantastic wine matching from the Domaine`s full range which includes Chenin Blanc from Savennieres.

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