You take him and a friend to London to see Dinosaurs and Tanks!!! Yes we hived on down to the railway station at Northallerton where you can park all day for mere pennies and we were in the Natural History Museum by 10.40 a.m. James was 8 and so enjoying himself that he got all the names mixed up - so we visited the Imperial History Museum to see the animatronic T-Rex, fooled about on the Tube and in a London phone box
and went to the "Natural War" Museum where we saw Monty`s tank, examined the shell damage in a Jagdpanzer
, discussed the relative merits of the Spitfire versus the Focke-Wulfe and sat in a Halifax bomber cockpit. 

We went past "Huge"Park Corner and had lunch in "Convent" Garden at "Fire and Stone" Pizza restaurant (TOP RECOMMENDATION!). I think James had as much fun as Dad!!!
The day closed off with a visit to Camden market and a dash to Hamleys toyshop.

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