So how delighted am I, that they are reformed and back firing on all cylinders with a rifftastic bombastic new album called "Princess Alice and the broken arrow". It has to be the most pretentious title this year and it comes with an album cover by Rodney Matthews! The answer is "very delighted" as I have in my possession tickets for the new tour this month.

And finally we have tickets to see Iain Archer (ex of Snow Patrol) supported by Jacob Golden in the bandroom at Farndale in North Yorkshire. I`m going to see Jacob Golden who I think sounds better than Damien Rice and Jeff Buckley combined, with a bit of Nick Drake in there as well - listen to Out Come the Wolves and just shiver with schizoid fear - go to his website and his MySpace site to listen and be transported to sad sensitive balladeer heaven where weeping CAN go on for a season!!

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