The news is full of it, the enormous salary, 87 pence a second, £70,000 a day etc the decline of sporting greatness etc and most of all the complete disbelief that america and europe can like the same sports!!! Sah-kurr is regarded as a boring sport - tell that to the Arsenal fans and the rest of us who enjoyed the 6-3 defeat of Liverpool at Anfield.
Simon Barnes writes in the Times:
"Football will not awake in America. That is because football is not actually present in American culture and is therefore unavailable for the kissing. Sah-kurr is a game for children, women and Hispanics and Beckham will not change that perception.
Sport matters to us, English, Americans and all. It is part of national and personal identity. Baseball is a wonderful game, but no English person would swap a victorious England baseball team for the team who lost the Ashes. Better to lose with cricket than win with baseball. We’re English, after all.
America is a self-loving, insular nation and its self-created sports are part of its understanding of itself. In America, sport’s highest achievements are domestic. The United States is its own Brazil, its own Australia, its own All Blacks. The thing that America admires most in the world is America and it will take more than an agreeable 31-year-old Real Madrid reserve to change all that. Despite his snake-hipped wife."
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