Or should it be here are the news?? Any way there has been a bit of a delay as well as being busy (oh so busy) I had a trojan downloader virus on the laptop which after I installed some Norton Spyware completely froze the computer due to the Spyware being so rubbish.
So onto the news - re NE1 - Anne reports that over 1000 christian teenagers came to do community projects, staying on campsite at Herrington Country park near Sunderland and unlike all the other similar events e.g. Soul in the City where they had to have a campsite project to cater for the stragglers and refusers who stayed in their tents - there were no drop outs at NE1!
Despite there being no drinking water on site in the middle of a heatwave all went well - one of the bus drivers who transported the teams to their projects around the region was so impressed by the whole event and the teenagers themselves, that He became a christian. At the end of the week every sponsoring church that was running a project took groups of teens to the final BigTop concert event which was fabulous. We had 30 come from Saltburn and 18 responded to the evangelistic appeal.
Meanwhile there was New Wine North where I did one seminar shared with Michele Guinness called The Genesis Curse:The Origin of Gender Wars, then in the evening we did a 2 hour fringe event with strolling players, poems , stories, jokes , music and a film clip all intending to challenge our prejudices further about the opposite sex. At one point I apparently morphed into Jack Dee and improvised stories from our honeymoon!
My second seminar was interesting as I had to do it from the main stage with one of those radio mikes round my ear and a bank of lights shining in my face - I`m glad I didn`t know it was apparently on the radio as well. It was reported as going well but I was strangely dissatisfied, it was also the anniversary of my Dad`s death and the newspapers had headlines "In the name of the father" as Tiger Woods had just won the Open Golf and dedicated the win to his deceased father. I am feeling a challenge to reveal God`s glory not just wisdom and am meditating on what that means and how to co-operate with it!!
Anway no pictures as Jonny had our camera all the time in America and we still haven`t seen the pics - he has now gone off to Soul Survivor and we are about to go to France for a well earned break in Normandy leaving Ruth home alone to get her Exam results on Thursday re University!!
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